Sunday 27 February 2022

10 Most Underrated Ayurvedic Habits for Healthy Lifestyle

 Ayurveda, "the knowledge of life," is the name of a health system that began from the Vedic culture of India over five thousand years ago. The incredible longevity of this system and the increasing fascination with Ayurveda that we see across the Western world demonstrate how this healing system's principles can benefit our lives in many ways, small and big. Ayurveda seeks to establish a harmony between your body-mind and the spirit since all three of these areas are interconnected. How can we keep the balance? It's a way to live, a constant effort to improve our lifestyles. By following this wisdom of the past, it is possible to make choices in our eating habits and lifestyle, which will result in longevity, health, and wellness--and get the most out of our lives!

Maintaining a healthy and fit life is not only about making extreme changes to your life or implementing new habits. It is as much focused on your routines and daily activities. According to Ayurveda, it is possible to lead better health by adhering to specific daily practices.

A light meal for dinner

To improve digestion and better sleep quality, Ayurveda advises you to take your final dinner of the day before 8 PM. It is also recommended to ensure that the food is light enough so that your body can process it before bedtime. This approach considers the digestion system as being more active during the morning to handle an energizing meal. A light meal won't linger inside your stomach for the rest of the night, which will leave you tired and unsteady the following day. Your body will be able to focus on restorative sleep instead of the challenging task of digestion.

Dry Skin Brushing

This relaxing ritual uses an organic brush (it is vital to stay clear of brushes made of synthetic materials that could damage your skin) to massage all over your body using long strokes directed towards your heart. It's an exfoliation method that leaves the skin feeling soft and promotes better health by aiding the lymphatic system to rid itself of the toxins.

Saline Sprays

The device resembles an old teapot and serves a crucial role in maintaining the health of your nose by helping it eliminate the pollutants, toxins, and allergens it's kept from infiltrating your body. Utilize this neti-pot to run saline water through every nostril, helping eliminate excess mucus and the impurities that can cause more breathing and alleviate the symptoms of colds and allergies.

Eat Fresh, Seasonal, and Local

Ayurveda offers a variety of suggestions to help you achieve the ideal diet based on your individual Dosha However, the overarching concept is to eat foods as fresh as seasonal and locally as possible. Handle it. Keep your inner balance in check by eating according to the seasons and your surroundings and eating the best quality food.

Spices as Medicine

Ayurveda believes that spices are more than just flavor enhancers as these food items are rich in nutrients and possess diverse healing properties. Use turmeric to lessen inflammation and help protect your heart. Add ginger for your digestion, cinnamon to control your blood sugar, and allspice for an antibacterial ingredient that will help fight the infection.

Self Massage

The name is Abyangha. This relaxing practice will also benefit the appearance and feel of the skin. Utilize a top-quality organic oil, and relax by massaging your body over. It aids in getting rid of waste by stimulating lymphatic drainage and helps reduce stress.

Tongue Scraper

Using a curved instrument (often comprised of gold, copper, or even brass) to scrape your tongue is a great way to improve the health of your mouth by eliminating harmful bacteria, decreasing lousy breath, and increasing the taste senses.


Yoga evolved alongside Ayurveda, and both have a deep connection, and they share many of the same guidelines for achieving the best health. Even if you don't intend to engage in an exercise routine, the main thing that Ayurveda recommends is staying away from the harmful effects of sedentary life and incorporating movement that you love in your everyday life. Different doshas could benefit from other forms of exercise; however, everybody is designed to move, and some physical activity is required for a good quality of life.


One of the fundamental tenets of this theory is that there is an interconnection between mental health and the overall health of the body, and they can't be separated. Moreover, mental health issues can be manifested as physical ailments. A consistent practice of meditation, even if only for 5 minutes per day, can help maintain the equilibrium needed to be healthy by reducing stress, fostering mindfulness, and enhancing your sense of wellbeing.

Oil Swishing

This method of detoxification, as well as brightening your teeth, could be performed at the beginning of the day as you get breakfast ready. Take 20 minutes to swish an oil of your own choice in the mouth (organic coconut or sesame are great options) and then expel the white substance. This whiteness is due to toxins and bacteria, which your body's immune system will thank you for helping to maintain your health.


Ayurveda believes that balance is essential for good health and that it is the foundation of a healthy life, allowing us to achieve our full potential. The ancient system has ascended even today because it has a lot to offer to an era full of hectic lives that have become increasingly chaotic. Ayurveda can help us attain optimal health by adopting healthy lifestyles to reduce disease risk and achieve a high feeling of well-being.

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