It is thought to be the brain's most complex and powerful organ of the body. Your mental health does more than control your mind; but also influences your physical health and the ways your body works. It's not always effortless as we'd wish for it to be. We are often faced with disappointment, stress, grief, and even negative emotions that affect our mental wellbeing. We all know how crucial it is to ensure that our bodies are well. Although the knowledge about mental wellbeing is increasing in our modern world, there's still much to be done to help people understand the importance of mental wellbeing, equally crucial just as health in the physical. Mental Health Week 2020 starts on 10 October and runs until Friday 16 October. Its goal is to improve the mental health of every WA community.
According to Mental Health week's official website, the purpose for Mental Health Week will be to motivate us all to take care of ourselves and be supportive of one another, increase awareness of the mental and physical health issues, promote self-care, provide information with tips and suggestions and increase awareness of the various mental health concerns to reduce the stigma in place regarding medical and mental wellbeing and the need for assistance.
10 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
1. Learn how to Manage Stress
Stress is a normal physical and psychological response to the demands of daily life. A little stress can be beneficial in boosting your performance effectively. However, daily challenges such as waiting in traffic, meeting deadlines, and paying your bills are enough to test your capabilities to deal with them. Your brain is hard-wired, equipped with an alarm to ensure your safety. If your brain senses an imminent threat, it instructs your body's response to send out a surge of hormones that increase the heart rate and increase blood pressure. The "fight-or-flight" response forces you to fight the threat. The body can be restored to a more relaxed state when the danger has gone. Our lives' constant stress makes alarm systems not permanently shut off. Stress management offers you various tools that can reset the alarm. It helps your mind and body adjust (resilience). If you don't, the body may constantly be on alert. In time, constant stress can cause serious health issues.
2. Eat healthily
Take a balanced, healthy diet and reduce your intake of drinking or using drugs.
Research is being released each year about the relationship between diet and wellbeing. Unhealthy eating and diets that are not balanced are likely to influence your physical health, which could adversely affect your mental wellbeing, but eating unhealthy food could affect your mood. A balanced and healthy diet rich in fiber, fats, and nutrients will assist you in managing your anxiety and stress levels, enhance your sleep quality, positively affect your ability to focus, and make you feel more relaxed generally. Another way to boost your mental wellbeing is to reduce your intake of or excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs. These substances influence how your brain functions and performs, affecting how you think, experience, create and even make choices.
3. Eliminate the negative people in your life.
People who drain your life of their victims with continuous negativity, complaining or gossip, self-centeredness, or are apathetic. Guest writer Joe Barton has three steps to rid yourself of toxic people destroying your life. People can be harmful in various ways, but they must get rid of the degree of toxicity they create in relationships. One toxic person that I had in my past was abusive with the time I spent and my resources, and another was always talking about himself and the way things were happening to him constantly. For my safety and the sake of my family, I needed to let them know that I did not wish to speak with them again.Sit down and consider the relationships that I have in my life. Consider how you respond to these relationships. Are you constantly checking calls because of some or two individuals? Are you refusing to participate in things that you previously enjoyed because of a person who causes them to be miserable? These are apparent indicators that you're involved in an unhealthy partnership. When Toxic People Hurt your life
Toxicity is the amount that a substance may cause harm to an organism. If someone is causing damage to your personal life, the person is toxic and must be treated according to. People who drain the energy out of you through negative attitude, constant complaining or gossip, self-centeredness, or excessive dependency are harming your life in ways that can lead to anxiety and depression.
4. Make sure you get enough rest.
It can seem like wasted time. It could be better to answer emails, wash dishes, clean the deck, or deck out the hallways. However, research suggests the likelihood of success in your endeavors and enjoying better health if you're getting some sleep. It's indeed hard to get to sleep when you're overwhelmed. Indeed, more than two-thirds of Americans claim to lose sleep due to stress. This is especially troubling because sleep can help combat some stress-related issues, and sleep deprivation is linked to various health issues. Experts recommend that adults have seven to nine hours of rest each night. Each person is unique; however, you may require more time after a few days of burning early (or 2.30 a.m.) petroleum.
ExerciseStress or anxiety can be a fact--an aspect that could negatively impact your life quality. Any time you're feeling stressed, you're likely to find that you're dealing with stress, and it's difficult finding positive methods to handle stress. Exercise is among the most effective ways to manage and deal with anxiety and stress. Exercise stress stimulates the brain to release endorphins that naturally relieve pain. A consistent exercise routine, whether daily or at least three times a week, causes your brain to release endorphins, which could improve your mood. Training helps to reduce stress hormones such as cortisol. In the end, that release of the hormone endorphin, along with the reduction in stress hormones, makes you feel relaxed and in charge of the way you live your day due to exercising. Here is a variety of exercises that can assist you in managing anxiety and stress.
5. Develop positive habits
Positive psychology has brought about the concept of flourishing. It is the state of mind when you are enjoying positive emotions, healthy relationships, significance and meaning in life, and a feeling of fulfillment. What are the best ways to help you thrive? Research suggests that you act by being generous, kind, and forgiving. It also means showing compassion for others. It is essential to cultivate feelings of appreciation and gratitude, take time to enjoy the things you want, know, utilize your strengths, and be creative and optimistic. A sense of flow is beneficial to the mental health of your body. It's what athletes call it 'being in the zone. Flow experiences are those where you're completely absorbed, and you are delighted. Studies suggest that it doesn't just enhance the abilities involved in the exercise, but total immersion decreases stress hormones and releases happy hormones like dopamine.
6. Stay clear of vices such as Alcohol, Drugs, and smoking cigarettes.
Alcohol-, tobacco- and drug usage are all lifestyle elements that can lead to poorer physical health and lower mental capacity and is likely to impact the absence of sickness. While illicit use of drugs is considered an important cause of the worldwide burden of diseases, cigarette drinking and smoking are listed among the top risk factors.
Norwegian tobacco use is mainly comprised mostly of smoking snus (Swedish moist snuff, which is a non-combustible tobacco product for oral use) and smoking cigarettes. In recent times, Norwegian snus use prevalence is about the same as smoking, around 20 percent. The negative health consequences of smoking cigarettes are well-documented. They include the risk of a higher incidence of various types of cancer, an increased chance of developing chronic obstructive lung illness and respiratory issues, and a higher chance of developing cardiovascular diseases. While medical consensus suggests that smoking snus is 90 percent less harmful to health than smoking cigarettes, studies have established empirical evidence for a connection with snus smoking and increased mortality risk for patients with cardiovascular disease, and a slight increase in the likelihood of heart failure. At the European scale, a link was established between smoking tobacco without cigarettes about the possibility of developing Pancreatic Cancer. However, in the case of Swedish male smokers of snus, an analysis of 9 prospective research studies revealed no evidence of a link.
7. Connect With Others
Family, friends, pets...even a simple, friendly greeting to someone new can grow positive emotions, combat anxiety, and depression, and let you feel like you're related to other people. Be focused only on your relationships and friendships and not on the amount. If someone makes you feel loved, supported, helpful, loved, or any other positive feeling, Keep the connection alive. Stress can be beneficial in helping us increase our performance to reach a crucial deadline or excel in sports competition. It's also essential to our survival, as it's the body's natural reaction to threats and risk. But prolonged stress can be detrimental and leave us susceptible to a variety of mental and physical ailments. There are, however, several techniques that have been learned to reduce its negative consequences.
Additionally, research suggests that our inherent capacity to connect via words or contact has a soothing effect on the body. If we are connected with someone else, our bodies respond to help us be calmer, particularly in times of health crises. A study published in The medical journal Cancer revealed that patients with breast cancer who perceived their doctor to be warm, friendly, and compassionate at the time of their first interaction felt less stressed in the following months after surgery.
A different study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology compared two recorded conversations between a doctor and a breast cancer woman. In one of the videos, the doctor did not express emotion and outlined the benefits and risks of the treatment alternatives. In the second video, the dialogue was enriched by another 40 seconds of video in the doctor's voice, expressing compassion, empathy, and empathy for the patient's situation.
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